5. Anthony Anderson commonly known as ahhhh that guy whats his name? he was in...

Pictured here with the child voted most likely to be adopted by Jolie, Anthony Anderson has provided laughs galore in cinematic classics such as big momma's house, my myself and Irene, exit wounds, barber shop, cradle to the grave and departed,
as well as appeared in terrible movies such as kangaroo jack, urban legend, scary movie 3 and scary movie 4.
Well known by his unique laughter http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8YsH2xIlTg and cant help but give props to someone who still looks 20 when they have pushed 40's door down. give it up for anthony anderson not to be confused with mark henry from wrestling last decade.
4. Kirstie Alley

Commonly known as "the fat actress, no not Oprah the white one"
to be honest we do not love her, or even like her that much, she just had to be posted so the feminists would stop complaining that not enough females get included in our lists.
With that being said she did used to be hot in cheers and 'For Richer or Poorer' was not a BAD movie thanks to Tim Allen.
Kirstie pictured showing us how many buffets she has consumed today, 1 and half?
3. Jonah Hill

Commonly known as Seth Rogan, interesting fact is that most of the world are not aware Jonah Hill is a person and think he is Seth Rogan. Jonah a writer on Saturday Night Live and actor in comedy classics like knocked up, Super bad and Get him to the Greek, i like him more for the fact he was caught urinating in public in 06. Most likely to be the next John candy in my opinion.
This quote from Jonah pretty much sums up in words what you already know after looking at his picture
"I was going to the beach with my girlfriend`s family. They`re all really big into soccer and her brother was this soccer superstar. And I`m hanging out at the beach with all these jocks and then there`s me. I know nothing about sports. I don`t even know what a sport is..."
2. Fat Rappers: Fat Joe

In the fine tradition of Biggie and Big Pun aptly named Fat Joe has continued the over representation of fat people in the rap industry. Fat Joe even claims to be cousins to Big Pun but then again all Mexicans seem to be related.
Fat Joe really rose to worldwide stardom with his 01 album J.O.S.E but since then has not reached the same heights, or width. Fat Joe is living proof that fat rappers make Phat rappers.
1.Jerry Ferrara

commonly known as Turtle from entourage, hell i even had to Google his real name to compose this list.
Playing the role of turtle, a dude whose best friend becomes a hollywood icon and takes him along for the ride, under the job title as driver turtle gets to smoke the best weed and try to pick up all the best girls all day, and lets not forget that both on screen and in real life this guy was taping Jamie-Lynn Sigler or as i still call her Meadow Soprano, not being number 1 on this list after sleeping with the mafia bosses daughter? fuhgeddaboudit.
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